How We Can Help

School Age Intervention
We can assist your child who is attending primary or secondary education develop and improve key life skills.
We provide training in the following key areas of basic life skills:
Attention & concentration
Use of classroom materials
Handwritten work
Clothing & toilet management
Play and making friends
Eating habits

Teen & Young Adult Intervention
We can support young adults in third-level education as well as those who have left school.
We provide a range of appropriate training that assist and improve advanced life and self sufficiency skills:
Food & drink preparation
Household chores, cleaning & maintenance
Understanding of money, shopping, budgeting, & savings
Use of public transport & understanding road safety
Computer & equipment use

Specialised Programme
We provide a unique and customised programme that caters to the specific needs of your child, most notably in the following areas:
Seating & positioning (MAG)
Housing Adaptation (HAG)
DIR (Developmental, Individual-differences, & Relationship-based model) & the DIR Floortime Approach